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Hippolytus - Against Beron and Helix

Fragment I.

Fragments of a discourse, alphabetically divided, [1711] on the Divine Nature [1712] and the Incarnation, against the heretics Beron and Helix, [1713] the beginning of which was in these words, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth, with voice never silent the seraphim exclaim and glorify God."

Fragment I.

By the omnipotent will of God all things are made, and the things that are made are also preserved, being maintained according to their several principles in perfect harmony by Him who is in His nature the omnipotent God and maker of all things, [1714] His divine will remaining unalterable by which He has made and moves all things, sustained as they severally are by their own natural laws. [1715] For the infinite cannot in any manner or by any account be susceptible of movement, inasmuch as it has nothing towards which and nothing around which it shall be moved. For in the case of that which is in its nature infinite, and so incapable of being moved, movement would be conversion. [1716] Wherefore also the Word of God being made truly man in our manner, yet without sin, and acting and enduring in man's way such sinless things as are proper to our nature, and assuming the circumscription of the flesh of our nature on our behalf, sustained no conversion in that aspect in which He is one with the Father, being made in no respect one with the flesh through the exinanition. [1717] But as He was without flesh, [1718] He remained without any circumscription. And through the flesh He wrought divinely [1719] those things which are proper to divinity, showing Himself to have both those natures in both of which He wrought, I mean the divine and the human, according to that veritable and real and natural subsistence, [1720] (showing Himself thus) as both being in reality and as being understood to be at one and the same time infinite God and finite man, having the nature [1721] of each in perfection, with the same activity, [1722] that is to say, the same natural properties; [1723] whence we know that their distinction abides always according to the nature of each, and without conversion. But it is not (i.e., the distinction between deity and humanity), as some say, a merely comparative (or relative) matter, [1724] that we may not speak in an unwarrantable manner of a greater and a less in one who is ever the same in Himself. [1725] For comparisons can be instituted only between objects of like nature, and not between objects of unlike nature. But between God the Maker of all things and that which is made, between the infinite and the finite, between infinitude and finitude, there can be no kind of comparison, since these differ from each other not in mere comparison (or relatively), but absolutely in essence. And yet at the same time there has been effected a certain inexpressible and irrefragable union of the two into one substance, [1726] which entirely passes the understanding of anything that is made. For the divine is just the same after the incarnation that it was before the incarnation; in its essence infinite, illimitable, impassible, incomparable, unchangeable, inconvertable, self-potent, [1727] and, in short, subsisting in essence alone the infinitely worthy good.